Disappeared in the Night
U P D A T E :
Yesterday at this time Google said something to the effect that the owner blocked Google’s access, similar to the message that archive.org gives for hatesplotch.net. I assume that Lawyer has now unblocked the block.
Douglas Wilson’s “personal assistant,” Mike Lawyer, has removed Wilson’s knife from Bob Mattes’ back by secretly pulling his offensive email from his website. And in typical Kirk fashion, Lawyer has not apologized and he has not repented because, in his mind, removing the post makes it as though nothing happened. “What post are you talking about? There’s nothing there.” Welcome to the land of DUMB, where deception is reality.Last night Andy Gilman posted a link to Mr. Lawyer’s blog, but this morning the link was dead. So another brother posted a link to Google’s cache display of the post, which worked fine for me, but within hours Mr. Lawyer killed Google’s access to it.
Now it’s gone — disappeared in the night — and monkey boys everywhere can rest assured that their Fearless Leader’s assistant did no wrong.
There may be some confusion, but I think the google cache link still works.
Yesterday at this time Google said something to the effect that the owner blocked Google’s access, similar to the message that archive.org gives for hatesplotch.net. I assume that Lawyer unblocked the block to one-up me, which doesn’t change his original move.
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