Friday, April 11, 2008

1,000 Words

U P D A T E: has a real slow connection rate that tends to time out. If you don’t connect the first time, hit refresh and you’ll connect the second (I just checked it).

We’ve been preparing another fully documented anonymous attack blog to furnish the pertinent documentation regarding the St. Peter Four and came across this jpeg at Someone from RC’s gang named the photo “RCBooze.jpg”; it’s dated May 27, 2002, which is roughly one year before serial pedophile Steven Sitler arrived in Virginia to prey; and it appears that they uploaded it to the Highlands Study Center website sometime in the middle of November 2006.

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, this one says it all.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

The link doesn't work.

Mark T. said...

Hit refresh; has a real slow connection rate that tends to time out. If you don’t connect the first time you will the second (I just checked it).