News Flash for Barlow
I was working this into another post, but Jimmy Jordan’s recent worldwide meltdown took precedence and that post will probably go the way of all flesh. Therefore:
The Federal Vision Nimrods have opened up another blog, this one called Biblical Horizons. It appears that this blog will be an ecumenical effort within the schismatic camp, where they all get to blow and pontificate on whatever enters their minds at any given time. Jeffrey “Braveheart” Meyers wrote their first post on January 17 and today they gave the helm to the one and only James Jordan. You have to read his “analysis” of Psalms 23–29; it looks like a cross between the DaVinci Code and an LSD flashback, which may account for his recent hallucinations. This is too rich. And it only costs $25.
Attention DaFedSez: If you are out there, your pupil needs you. This is beyond me.
Thank you.
Let me try to save Jordan's followers alot of money ($25 for each set of commentaries on each set of seven psalms can get steep): buy a Companion Bible. That would be Bullinger's Companion Bible. Not the historic Bullinger who wrote the Decades that influenced England so much, but his relative that lived in the 19th century and was an ultra-dispensationalist (I say for the record) and produced a study Bible whose main thing was to show various kinds of structures within the Word of God, take them or leave them. Jordan is also most likely drawing from Bullinger's Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. It's a classic work though unknown enough so that a person can acquire it, draw from it, and take credit, quietly, for a lot of learning he didn't have to dig up for himself.
This is classic. You should re-post these or at least reference them more for newcomers.
Yes, EW Bullinger was the grand- or great-grandson of the Reformer. He was a hyper-dispensationalist (I’m going off memory here) who went so dispy that the original dispies (of whom he was one) put him out. Nevertheless, the Companion Bible is an excellent resource for discerning readers because he has so many hidden gems in his notes. He was fluent in the native tongues of Scripture and fluent in the details of Scripture. His grasp of the genealogies makes his notes in Kings and Chronicles superior to most commentaries. He also identifies chiasms all over the Bible and I would not doubt if Jordan and Leithart, who lean heavily on the chiastic structure of Scripture, plagiarized from Bullinger. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible is also an excellent resource because it exhausts a theme that Bullinger introduces in his Companion, and I do mean exhaust. I recommend both books.
I've been reading James Jordan's posts on that Biblical Horizons blog regarding chiasms in the Book of Psalms, and he has referenced a couple of scholars, so I wanted to do a search to see if any of the modern scholars who have been involved with this subject ever reference or even know about Bullinger (because it would be very and typically funny if they didn't) and at least according to this overview type journal article they don't. The article references a work published in 1942 as being the genesis of the study of the subject in modern times.
Poor Bullinger, all that work he did and the modern day Ph.D.s and other scholars won't recognize it. (Of course if they did they'd have to recognize they are not blazing any trails. This is sort of along the same lines as the Federal Visionists pretending they are the preeminent Reformed biblical theologians (i.e. Biblical Theology as opposed to Systematic Theology) and having to pretend that Geerhardus Vos never existed to maintain this illusion.
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