Thursday, July 3, 2008

Eyewitness Testimony

I received this comment this morning. It’s the testimony of an eyewitness who watched the judge sentence Jamin Wight, and this much is true — when Rosemary Huskey bears witness, you can take it to the bank that every word is true.

Rosemary Huskey said . . .

I was in the courtroom the day that Jamin Wight was sentenced. The judge emphasized Jamin’s remarkable immaturity; he was at least 23-years old when he began molesting a 14-year-old girl under the guise of “courting.” What 23 year old in his right mind wants to foster a romantic/sexual relationship with a 14 year old? The correct answer is, of course, a pedophile. Doug Wilson was also in the courtroom that day. We even exchanged a few words following the sentencing. Mine were strong and to the point, Doug’s were, well, let’s just say he floundered for a response and I didn’t buy it.

The arrested adolescence and huge gaps in emotional development that were obvious to the judge apparently escaped the notice of Doug Wilson and other Kirk luminaries. In addition to being a Greyfriars student, Jamin Wight was a teacher at the Logos-clone all-boy school, Atlas Academy. (At the time the school was operated without a Conditional Use Permit, and without safety inspections, from Jim Wilson’s storefront ministry, in the Nuart Theater. Using the example of Doug Wilson and Nuisance Andrews, the operators of Atlas School simply blew off city ordinances which specifically banned the operation of schools in downtown Moscow. They have subsequently moved into the county where they can operate without interference from local officials and Jamin is no longer a faculty member.)

It’s all about the squeaky-clean covenant image with Doug. His track record of trying to keep the lid on scandal in order to spare himself and the Kirk public embarrassment is sinful as well as useless. What an odious piece of work he is.

Rose Huskey

I neglected to note the glaring age difference between Wight and his victim, which is an extremely aggravating circumstance to his crime. Maybe Beelzeblog could draw us a picture.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I'd really like to know what your REAL issues are with Christ Church and Douglas Wilson. You run a smear campaign constantly about him over issues that, if were true, would obviously spell his downfall. But he's not falling which tells me you are a lot of "hot air" (to be graceful). Oh, I forgot, he somehow controls the entire Palouse so as to make himself untouchable ... right? If you identify with Christ then you must repent of a plethora of 10th commandment sins. Otherwise, you need to embrace Christ. If you're man enough to respond you can contact me at and defend your vast transgressions on this blog. Don Hogan, Adkins, Texas - there, you know my name, what's yours?

Mark T. said...

Hi Don,

Before I answer your question, please tell me what part of this blog is “smear” and not “true.”


Mark T. said...

And Don, since you commented on this post, please tell us your thoughts about Douglas Wilson threatening the father of a molestation victim with discipline.


Anonymous said...

threatening him with discipline for not protecting his child from a molester whose side Wilson took, by the way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

By Mr Hogan's reasoning, that "success" is evidence of "truth," the Mormons are custodians of a divine revelation, since they have not fallen yet. He seems to not understand the group dynamics of cults. DW doesn't need to control the entire Palouse to keep his act aloft; he merely needs the loyalty of his funders. You have extensively documented how DW maintains that loyalty, and also how perhaps the facade is beginning to crack with the funding shortage behind the cancellation of TrinityFest.

But there is a counter-argument that is much more persuasive than Hogan's. If your 'blog really is a "smear" campaign, then it is seriously, profoundly libellious. Why has DW not hammered you in court for the torts that Hogan alleges that you have been committing? It is not like DW is above applying threat of legal action.

Again, thanks for your 'blog.


Mark T. said...

Hi Sam,

I debated about publishing Mr. Hogan’s comments because of their absurdity, but then I thought it better to engage him with the hope of persuading him. I believe the dynamic at work here is the denial syndrome. Sheep don’t like bad news and after someone elevates a man beyond his station, they certainly don’t want to see him lowered. I sensed his distress when he mistook the Tenth Commandment for the Ninth, which was consistent with the fallacious form of his arguments. Hopefully he’ll calm down and come back.

And Wilson threatening the father with discipline is simply beyond the pale. The man has no conscience.